Yoga Care
Yoga Care
We use holistic approach, that combines physical therapy with yoga therapy which assist patients to restore and maintain optimal movement and functions
This is multi-specialty team approach for patients and their relatives. As neurological conditions/diseases are too complex for patients to precisely understand the pathophysiology and mechanism together with the manifestation spectrum variety and progression variation, our treatment approach has and edge
over others on this. We assess & treat the patient together with education and maintenance of condition for the rehabilitation and functional independence, during the entire course of recovery. We as a team recognize the limitations and complications of neurological conditions and thus contribute in developing a comprehensive rehabilitation program catering to the patient’s functional needs.
Our Role:
we for the patient’s sake consider his overall life spectrum areas and with the active participation of family members help the patient to gain confidence, function independency, coping skills & increasing in overall Quality Of Life rating, together with the treatment.
We excel in dealing with the following:
- Post stroke rehabilitation (haemorrhagic strokes)

- Ataxic gait ( Both voluntary & involuntary)
- Post tumor rehabilitation
- Traumatic head injury rehabilitation
- Multiple sclerosis (Ms) and other demyelinating diseases
- infections of brain or spinal cord (including meningitis & encephalitis)
- Other Neurological Conditions like
- Paralysis, Facial Palsy
- Sciatic Nerve Compression
- Nerve compression syndrome
- compression neuropathy
- InCoordination
- To have an empathetic approach towards the patient in a manner that the patient is comfortable in expressing his views.
- To provide a rehabilitation program, keeping in mind the various limitations that each neurological condition places on the patient.
- To work in partnership with families, emphasizing the need of continuing therapy, on a regular basis, with a home based exercise session.
- Working as a team, to produce the best possible outcome in view of the functional demands that the patient needs to fulfil within the confines of his home.
- To instill professional excellence within the rehabilitation team, through participative discussions and effectively incorporating suggestions of the team members into the treatment protocol.